Ceremonial Chocolate mix with Psilocybin Guide Book
P S I L O C Y B I N Ceremonial Grade Chocolate Mix
Heart Expander Blend
(This product DOES NOT contain Psilocybin)
10 servings of Organic Chocolate mix alchemized with herbs and honey ready for you to add your won Psilocybin at home for a very healing experience! The 4x6 Informational Guide Book will illuminate you to all the best ways to heal with Psilcoybin.
Galaxy Dust Back to Center Tea
This beautiful and healing tea was designed to bing you back to center after a plant medicine journey, a healing session or any other massive shift while you Evolve yourself.
If you are feeling drawn to Wholeness, Centeredness and Inner Peace this is the Perfect Tea for you!
Galaxy Dust Starseed Tea
The alchemy in this tea is perfect for connecting to the Higher Insight you have resting inside of yourself. When you get quiet enough you'll be able to hear the Higher Wisdom come in and guide you. The herbs in this tea are perfect for physical healing and relaxation so you can hear those higher messages come in.
Galaxy Dust Tea Kit
All three of these unique tea blends combined make for a great gift of Wholeness. You can go on an entire journey with each tea and heal different parts of your body, mind and soul. As a trio you'll have access to each healing element ready to brew the tea as needed for your healing.
Galaxy Dust Vision Quest Tea
Vision Quest Journey Medicine
The Herbal Elements of this tea activate your third eye and bring you into a state of seeing beyond realms. Sit in meditation while you sip this tea and allow the visions from beyond the veil to visit you!
Enjoy the Peaceful Journey !